Meet Our Staff
Rapid City

Julie Birner MS, MSW, LCSW-PIP, LAC, - Director

Diana Boyle MS, LPC, NCC, CEAP, LAC - Clinical Supervisor

Heidi Nangle BA, ACT - Counselor

Genevieve Osborn - Business Manager

Tammie Darnall - Executive Administrative Assistant

Heidi Sahling CAC -Federal Counselor

Tanna Swan - Front Desk Supervisor

Jade Doering BS, CAC - CIBSA Lead Counselor

Darci Galligo ACT
Steve Mauch LAC - Counselor

Trevor Bartunek ACT - Counselor

Kristene Rancour ACT - Counselor

Hayden Busch - Administrative Assistant

Tyler O’Sullivan BS, CAC - 4th Circuit Coordinator

Colleen Zimmerman MSW, CSW, LAC - Seeking Safety Coordinator

Chandler Sutherland - Office Manager

Dean Gillis - Maintenance

Christina Olinger MA, ACT – Counselor

Kendsy Chilstrom ACT

Lanna Backen MS, MSNW, ACT
Hot Springs

Katie Dawson - Administrative Assistant

Lori Dahly ACT – Counselor

Manuel Villagrana ACT

Ashley – Counselor
Doug - CEO

Doug Austin was the CEO and founder of Addiction Recovery Centers of the Black Hills (ARCBH) since 1974.. He dedicated his life to starting treatment centers in North Dakota, Montana, and South Dakota. Doug’s passion was helping those who suffered from addiction. He continued to provide help and hope until the time of his death on March 27, 2019.